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Sandy Chancey

Executive Director

Sandy has been the Executive Director of EPCOG since 2010. As Executive Director, Sandy oversees all aspects of EPCOG's function. She also operates as EPCOG's Chief Procurement Officer and Notary Public.

Sandy's professional experience range from being a real estate agent, property manager, grant coordinator for the Clovis Police Department, Detective Secretary for the Clovis Police Department, Grant Administrator for the City of Clovis, and Executive Director of the Clovis Schools Education Foundation. With EPCOG, Sandy was the Transportation Planner, Senior Developer of the TANF program, and Executive Assistant. 

Organizational associations Sandy is involved with include the New Mexico Association of Regional Councils (currently as Secretary), South West Regional Economic Development Association (President), DWI Task Force of Curry County, Curry County Crime Stoppers, former officer of the United Way of Eastern NM Board of Directors, founding member of the Curry County Juvenile Justice Committee, member of the Local Emergency Planning Committee of Curry County, a former member of the City of Clovis Water Policy Strategic Planning Committee, member of the American Planning Association, member of the NM American Planning Association, member of the International Economic Development Council, a former member of the Clovis Complete Counts Committee for the 2020 Census, and ex-officio to the Clovis Main Street Board of Directors. She has also been on multiple professional panels and advisory committees , ranging from crisis management to economic development.

A Clovis High School alumna, Sandy attended Eastern New Mexico University, is a graduate of the Norris School of Real Estate, certified Chief Procurement Officer of New Mexico, Notary Public of New Mexico, Seven Seals Award recipient from ESGR, recipient of the Ben Ray Lujan Public Servant Award from NMIDEA, recipient of the Clovis Police Department Citation Award in 2001, and recipient of the Key to the City (Clovis, NM) in 2000.

Sandy is a Texas-born gal who traveled across the US with her family and eventually laid roots in Clovis, New Mexico, with her husband. She loves to read, chase her grandchild around the house, cook, and is the anchor and foundation for her family and friends, whom she cherishes deeply. 

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